A group of four high school students working together at a volunteer opportunity sorting apples.

TRIO Upward Bound Programs

TRIO Upward Bound programs are federally funded college access programs that provide fundamental support to students preparing for college.

Upward Bound Numbers

High Schools


Two Latina students working on building a robot are leaning over a computer chip with a table covered in equipment

Who We Serve

Upward Bound serves first-generation and low-income college-bound students in Shawnee, Douglas, Leavenworth and Wyandotte counties.
A white male student sitting in an admissions presentation is holding a paper Jayhawk reading information on the back

What We Do

Students meet monthly with advisors at their high schools, work with tutors on school assignments, attend campus visits and a variety of Campus Experience Institutes. In the summer, students participate in an intensive six-week academic program that gives participants a chance to experience college life.
A portrait of Alicia Reyes

"I like how Upward Bound focuses on both aspects for an individual and it can really help someone find what they want to do or find who they are.”

Alicia Reyes
Turner High School - '20

Resources for Current Students

If you are a student currently participating in Upward Bound, you have access to free tutoring, announcements, events, and more!
Upward Bound Program Logo
Upward Bound Math & Science Logo